We are looking for a motivated and detail-oriented Assistant Construction Department to support our Webuild team in Timisoara. The role involves collecting and analyzing production data, preparing reports, monitoring on-site progress, and assisting with communication between construction management and local authorities. This position is ideal for a candidate with a background in engineering, who has 1-3 years of experience, and familiarity with daily, weekly, and monthly production reporting.
Key Responsibilities:
Data Collection: Gather and organize all site data related to daily, weekly, and monthly production activities.
Report Preparation: Prepare and submit accurate daily, weekly, and monthly programming reports based on collected data for internal stakeholders, consultants, and top management.
Production Monitoring: Track and monitor the actual production rate on-site to ensure it aligns with the planned targets and schedules.
Support Construction Manager: Assist the Construction Manager in managing relations with local authorities and ensuring compliance with regulations.
Subcontractor/Supplier Coordination: Prepare and review monthly work progress and payment documents for all subcontractors and suppliers.
Educational Background: Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Civil, Construction, or related field).
Experience: 1-3 years of relevant experience in construction reporting, particularly in preparing daily, weekly, and monthly production reports.
Technical Skills: Strong proficiency in data collection, report preparation, and construction monitoring.
Previous Experience: Prior experience working with construction companies or projects
Software Proficiency: Familiarity with construction management software/tools and reporting platforms.
We are looking for a motivated and detail-oriented Assistant Construction Department to support our Webuild team in Timisoara. The role involves collecting and analyzing production data, preparing reports, monitoring on-site progress, and assisting with communication between construction management and local authorities. This position is ideal for a candidate with a background in engineering, who has 1-3 years of experience, and familiarity with daily, weekly, and monthly production reporting.
Key Responsibilities:
Data Collection: Gather and organize all site data related to daily, weekly, and monthly production activities.
Report Preparation: Prepare and submit accurate daily, weekly, and monthly programming reports based on collected data for internal stakeholders, consultants, and top management.
Production Monitoring: Track and monitor the actual production rate on-site to ensure it aligns with the planned targets and schedules.
Support Construction Manager: Assist the Construction Manager in managing relations with local authorities and ensuring compliance with regulations.
Subcontractor/Supplier Coordination: Prepare and review monthly work progress and payment documents for all subcontractors and suppliers.
Educational Background: Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Civil, Construction, or related field).
Experience: 1-3 years of relevant experience in construction reporting, particularly in preparing daily, weekly, and monthly production reports.
Technical Skills: Strong proficiency in data collection, report preparation, and construction monitoring.
Previous Experience: Prior experience working with construction companies or projects
Software Proficiency: Familiarity with construction management software/tools and reporting platforms.
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Aplicarea la noi este ușoară. Vă vom examina cererea și vom vedea dacă sunteți potrivit pentru job și companie.
Consultantul nostru vă va apela la un moment potrivit pentru a discuta despre cererea dvs. și despre aspirațiile viitoare de carieră.
În continuare, trebuie doar să verificăm câteva lucruri - vom face verificările de conformitate relevante și vă vom ține la curent.
Ca parte a procesului de asigurare a faptului că sunteți perfect pentru rol, vom lua legătura cu orice referințe relevante pe care le-ați furnizat.
Echipa noastră de experți va organiza fie un interviu pentru rolul pe care l-ați solicitat, fie dacă consideră că există o oportunitate mai bună, vor sugera și opțiuni alternative.
Ne vom asigura că sunteți pregătit pe deplin înainte de interviu și că veți ști exact la ce să vă așteptați - noroc!
Felicitări, sunteți gata să începeți noua dvs. slujbă. Echipa se va asigura că sunteți pe deplin pregătiți pentru prima dvs. zi.
Te vom ține la curent când vom avea posturi similare.
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